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learning manage ment system

SHASHIKALA H G ගේ පින්තුරය
learning manage ment system
SHASHIKALA H G - සිකුරාදා, 13 නොවැම්බර් 2020, 1:07 ප.ව. මගින්

https://www.inpods.com/products/learning-management-system/?gclid=CjwKCAiA17P9BRB2EiwAMvwNyPRhoT1GQYvMhhlGI56vUN8rWwyC898uySK6a_W0ipz-W3qxz_Ge-xoCO1kQAvD_BwEInPods  Learning Management System (LMS) is used by program/course designers, faculty, and students as a Learning Management System (LMS) to provide an engaging learning experience. InPods DLE helps institutions implement innovative pedagogies such as Blended-Learning, Flipped-Classroom and Online learning while enabling outcomes-focused self-learning. Cloud-based InPods LMS can be configured to provision virtual classrooms for teachers to teach online and students to learn any time, from anywhere, on any device. OBE-enabled LMS allows courseware designers to map each learning experience and assessment event with appropriate competencies, learning outcomes, course-outcomes, Blooms taxonomy levels, subject areas and topics. InPods LMS is used by many universities and colleges to  enable remote teaching and learning and benefit from the auto-grading, item-analysis, automatic outcomes attainment calculations and roll-up of the outcomes-attainment data.